Terms & Conditions

Please read the terms and conditions before purchasing a class, an exam or taking part in any of our activities.
On this page you will find our policies regarding:

Group classes


  • All students are required to be members of the Alliance Française of Edmonton in order to enroll in classes. The membership fee will be added on top of the tuition costs. Membership is refundable when withdrawal is accepted (see withdrawal conditions).


  • Students are requested to pay full tuition and the membership (upon first registration, or renewal if expired) prior to them joining the class.
  • The cost of books and membership is separate from tuition fee.
  • We offer the flexibility of multiple payments methods, including cheque, debit or credit card (Visa/Mastercard) at the main office, over the phone, or on our website. A $25 surcharge will be levied on all checks returned to AFE with insufficient funds, and payment will then have to be made by debit/credit card.


  • Discounts cannot be accumulated with one another.
  • The early-bird discount is offered until a week before the start of the session as follows:
    • For kids & teens classes: $20 off
    • For adult general classes: $30 off
    • For adult 16h specialized classes: $20 off
    • For adult 12h specialized classes: $15 off
    • Senior and student discount: 20$ off
  • A bundle discount is offered when a student registers for two classes or more during the same session. The student will receive $90 off their purchase, or $85 if one of the class is 1h30 long.


  • Books are compulsory for most classes.
  • Tuition costs do not include textbooks.
  • They can be picked up at our main office on appointment.
  • No book can be returned once it has been visibly used.

Class cancellation:

Alliance Française of Edmonton reserves the right to postpone, reschedule or cancel a class if enrollment does not meet the minimum enrollment requirement (5 students). In the event that a course is cancelled, or if the new schedule is no longer working for a given student, AFE will offer one of the following option:

  • a transfer to another class
  • a credit note
  • a full refund

Class transfers:

Class transfers must be requested before the 3rd class of the session. Administration reserves the right to refuse a transfer for the following reasons:

  • Low registration number
  • Level of the class does not correspond to the student’s level.

Withdrawals, refunds and credits:

All withdrawals must be received by email. Please state the course name and the reason for the withdrawing. Withdrawals or refunds cannot be made by telephone. Please note that the absence from class does not constitute notice of withdrawal. Refunds will be processed within 10 days according to the following policies.

  • Withdrawals received 10 business days prior to the start date of the course: Students will be refunded full tuition, minus a $30 processing fee per course. Refunds will be processed to the card used for payment or issued in the form of a cheque if payment was made by cheque.
  • Withdrawals received between 10 and 3 business days before the first unit of the class: Students will be refunded full tuition, minus a $50 administration fee, per course. Refunds will be processed to the card used for payment or issued in the form of a cheque if payment was made by cheque.
  • Withdrawals received less than 3 business days before the start date of the course: No refund and no credit note will be issued as a contracted teacher is already assigned and expenses & salary are already engaged.
  • If you don’t receive the link to join your online classes, please send us an email at info@afedmonton.ca during your normal class time. Links non-received won't be a valid reason for a refund.

In some cases, students can choose to receive a credit instead of a refund. This credit must be used in the following 6 months and is valid on: memberships, books, exams, courses and activities.

Missed and make-up class:

Group class fees will not be pro-rated in case of students or teachers absence. Students should inform their teacher of any foreseen absence.

  • to allow the teacher to prepare for the class accordingly;
  • to be informed about what they miss;
  • to receive homework assignments.

Students may schedule a one-hour private make-up class with a teacher (to be purchased separately) for an additional $60 fee. Students should contact the class coordinator to arrange for such a class. The class has to be booked and paid in advance and is subject to availability of teachers and classrooms. All cancellations for a catch-up class require one business day notice, otherwise they will be non-refundable.

Behaviour and misconduct:

Students are expected to have a respectful behaviour in class and contribute to an atmosphere of learning and study. Students displaying a behaviour that disturbs classmates will be asked to leave the class or will not be allowed to attend any further classes. Such behaviour include:

  • Poor hygiene.
  • Repeatedly inappropriately interrupting the class.
  • Hateful comments.
  • Any other behaviour that may be considered misconduct from the student.

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the content we provide (French classes notes, books, exams past papers...) without express written permission by us.

Private tutoring


  • All students are required to be members of the Alliance Française of Edmonton in order to enroll in classes. The membership fee will be added on top of the tuition costs. Membership is refundable when withdrawal is accepted (see withdrawal condition).


  • Students are requested to pay full tuition and the membership (upon first registration, or renewal if expired) prior to them joining the class.
  • The cost of books (if applicable) and membership is separate from tuition fee.
  • Payment can be made by cheque, debit or credit card (Visa/Mastercard) at the main office, over the phone, or on our website. A $25 surcharge will be levied on all checks returned to AFE with insufficient funds, and payment will then have to be made by debit/credit card.


  • There are no discounts available for private courses.


  • The lessons are at least 60 minutes long.
  • The 12 hours of private tutoring have to be used within 3 months and the 40 hours within 8 months.
  • Please note that during the school year, we can have a hard time finding a teacher available between 6pm and 9pm as they are already busy teaching group classes.

Lesson cancellation

  • If a student cancels a lesson or if the lesson cannot be taken on the agreed date/time, a 24 hours notification is required (within 24h of a business day), otherwise the lesson will be charged.

Withdrawals, refunds and credits:

All withdrawals must be received in writing in the form of an email or letter (with a postmark establishing the date of the request). Please state the course name and the reason for the withdrawing. Withdrawals or refunds cannot be made by telephone. Please note that the absence from class does not constitute notice of withdrawal. Refunds will be processed within 10 days according to the following policies.

  • Withdrawals received 10 business days prior to the start date of the course: Students will be refunded full tuition, minus a $30 processing fee. Refunds will be processed to the card used for payment or issued in the form of a cheque if payment was made by cheque.
  • Withdrawals received between 10 and 3 business days before the first lesson of the course: Students will be refunded full tuition, minus a $50 administration fee. Refunds will be processed to the card used for payment or issued in the form of a cheque if payment was made by cheque.
  • Withdrawals received less than 3 business days before the start date of the course: No refund and no credit note will be issued as a contracted teacher is already assigned and expenses & salary are already engaged.

In some cases, students can choose to receive a credit instead of a refund. This credit must be used in the following 6 months and is valid on: memberships, books, exams, courses and activities.

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the content we provide (French classes notes, books, exams past papers...) without express written permission by us.

    TEF Exam

    Terms and conditions of registration to a TEF exam:

    • I understand it is my responsibility to choose the right exam for my situation. The Alliance française of Edmonton staff is not trained to answer immigration-related matters, whether it is towards France or Canada. In case of doubts, we advise you turning to dedicated immigration services.
    • In order for my registration to be complete, it is mandatory to fill out the online form and to proceed with payment.
    • I understand that registration for a TEF exam is final. NO REFUND, TRANSFER NOR CREDIT will be granted.
    • The exam will be taken in person at our office on Alliance française’s computers, except for the speaking part. That module will be done face-to-face with an accredited examiner and recorded for grading.
    • I hereby understand that, on the day of the exam, if I don’t have the government issued ID I used to register with the online form or if I arrive late, I will not be allowed to participate, never mind the reason. No refund will be made, the candidate will need to go through the registration process over again.
    • Candidates can take the TEF exam as many times as they want, given they wait 30 days between 2 exam dates.
    • Your answers will be sent to Paris CCI for grading. The Alliance française of Edmonton is not grading the exam and cannot be held responsible for the results obtained by the candidate.
      Your results will be communicated by email 4 to 6 weeks after the exam. The virtual certificates will be sent directly by Paris CCI to the email address you registered with.

    DELF/DALF Exams

    Terms and conditions of registration to a DELF or DALF exam (Prim’, Junior and Scolaire, Tout Public):

    • I hereby acknowledge that I will be available to write the DELF exam on the date associated with the level selected.
    • I hereby acknowledge I will be available to take part in the DELF oral exam component later the afternoon or on another day, including on Saturdays.
    • I hereby acknowledge that if I arrive after the exam starting time I won’t be allowed in the exam room and no refund will be issued.
    • I understand that no changes can be made to the schedule and that once the registration fee has been paid, it is non-refundable.
    • In case of illness supported by a doctor’s note, I may take the exam at the next session, free of charge.
    • I will provide a valid picture ID in order to take part in any portion of the exam.

    TCF Exam

    Terms and conditions of registration to a TCF exam:

    • I understand it is my responsibility to choose the right exam for my situation. The Alliance française of Edmonton staff is not trained to answer immigration-related matters, whether it is towards France or Canada. In case of doubts, we advise you turning to dedicated immigration services.
    • In order for my registration to be complete, it is mandatory to fill out the online form and to proceed with payment.
    • I understand that registration for a TCF exam is final. NO REFUND, TRANSFER NOR CREDIT will be granted.
    • The exam will be taken in person at our office on Alliance française’s computers, excepted for the speaking part. That module will be done face-to-face with an accredited examiner and recorded for grading.
    • I hereby understand that, on the day of the exam, if I don’t have the government issued ID I used to register with the online form or if I arrive late, I will not be allowed to participate, never mind the reason. No refund will be made, the candidate will need to go through the registration process over again.
    • Candidates can take the TCF exam as many times as they want, given they wait 30 days between 2 exam dates.
    • You will receive your results by email 6 to 8 weeks after the exam. Printed certificates will be sent to the Alliance française of Edmonton and we will let you know whenever we receive them.
    • For any TCF recorrection, 75 $ non refundable fees will apply.

    Online exams preparation for TCF, TEF and DELF

    • I understand that the purchase of an online exam preparation is final and that no refund nor exchange will be granted.
    • I understand that the purchase of an online exam prep gives me access to the platform for 12 months from the day I receive my code and password.
    • I understand that the online preparation for TEF, TCF or DELF exams is offered through an independent service provider (Prepmyfuture.com) and that the Alliance Française of Edmonton is not liable for any technical problem that could arise with the plaform. 

    Summer Camps


    • Students are requested to pay full tuition and the membership (upon first registration, or renewal if expired) prior to the start of the camp.
    • The cost of membership is separate from tuition fee.
    • Payment can be made by cheque, debit or credit card (Visa/Mastercard) at the main office, over the phone, or on our website. A $25 surcharge will be levied on all checks returned to AFE with insufficient funds, and payment will then have to be made by debit/credit card.


    • Discounts cannot be accumulated with one another.
    • Pay $205 per week when you buy four weeks at once (1 student for 4 weeks or 2 students for 2 weeks).

    Withdrawals and refunds:

    All cancellations must be received in writing in the form of an email or letter (with a postmark establishing the date of the request) to the Alliance Française of Edmonton office. Please state the week's number and the reason for withdrawing. Please note that the absence from camp does not constitute notice of withdrawal.

    • Withdrawals received 7 days prior to the start date of the camp: Students will be refunded full tuition, minus a $50 processing fee per week and per child.
    • Withdrawals received less than 7 days prior to the start date of the camp: No refunds will be granted.
    • Withdrawals and absences for medical reasons: Refunds for medical reasons can only be granted upon presentation of a medical certificate established by a doctor. Pro-rated refunds will not be granted if a child cannot attend the camp some days due to illness or any other personal circumstance, or because other services requested and paid for are not fully utilized.

    Behaviour and misconduct:

    Students are expected to have a respectful behaviour in camp and contribute to a welcoming atmosphere of learning. Students displaying a behaviour that disturbs classmates will be asked to leave or will not be allowed to attend any further camps. Such behaviour include:

    • Poor hygiene.
    • Repeatedly inappropriately interrupting the class.
    • Hateful comments.
    • Any other behaviour that may be considered misconduct from the student.


    Who can borrow items?:

    • Any member of the Alliance française of Edmonton can borrow items from the library, providing the items are available for borrowing and that the member isn't banned from this service.

    What can be borrowed?:

    • We have a collection of over 1250 books and 100 DVDs. Some of them may only be consulted on-site because of their value or commercial licence (educational material for example, can only be consulted on-site).

    How long can I borrow my documents for?:

    • For individual/student memberships: you can borrow up to 4 books for 3 weeks, 3 DVDs for 3 weeks and 3 newspapers for 2 weeks.
    • For family memberships: you can borrow up to 8 books for 3 weeks, 5 DVDs for 3 weeks and 3 newspapers for 2 weeks.

    What happens if I'm late to return my documents, if I lost them or if they're damaged?:

    • If you need a little more time before returning your documents: you can ask for 1 renewal per item. If the item is already reserved by someone else, they have priority over your renewal and you need to return the document as planned.
    • If you don't return your document on time: we will send you an email the day after your planned return date, reminding you that we are expecting these documents and explaining what could be the consequences if you don't return the document in the next 7 days. If you return the document under 7 days, there will be no penalties.
    • If you haven't returned your document after 7 days: we will send you another email, informing you that you are banned from borrowing items in the library for the next month and reminding you that you need to bring the document back. Failure to do so will result in a fine.
    • If the document is lost / damaged in such a way that it cannot be put back in service / not returned after the late return procedure: we will ask you to pay a fine covering the value of the document.
    • If you refuse to pay the fine: you will be banned from borrowing items for a year.


    • Tickets purchased for events are non-refundable and not exchangeable. Cancellations will not be reimbursed.

    Medical emergency

    • In the event of a personal emergency, sudden illness or accident, you authorize Alliance Française of Edmonton to seek medical, hospital or ambulance services on your behalf should the AFE staff consider it necessary. You agree that you will be solely responsible for any expenses associated with the provision of such service.

    Privacy, image & cookies

      Photo, video and sound release:

      • By taking part in our events, exams, classes and activities, you grant us permission to use your image (still or moving) and/or your spoken words in perpetuity for educational and marketing purposes. You understand that you image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and you waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product where your likeness appears. By attending our activities or registering in a class, you are agreeing to:
        • To allow the recording of your image and voice by the Alliance française of Edmonton and its employees.
        • To distribute your image or recording in any medium, be it print or electronic form, with no geographic restriction.
        • That there is no reimbursement for the right to take or use your photograph, video or recording.
        • To release the Alliance française of Edmonton from any and all liability which may or could arise from the taking, recording, publication, distribution, or other use of photography and audio/ video media.

        Privacy & Cookies:

        • The Alliance française of Edmonton website is hosted by Oncord, an Australian company. We only use cookies that are necessary for your navigation on our website. We collect data to build your profile with us and offer you the best experience. You can learn more about our policy regarding privacy and cookies, by clicking here.